Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mitt romney

Congress has now made it clear they would like to take from Veterans, their funding  if this is true this will displace millions of families of those that have fought and died, the widows children will go with out a house but the Congress man will drive his government paid Lexus to his Million dollar government funded house and eat on the governments bill at any  black tie restaurant because they can, because of this Veterans Family  has paid this price , and will pay again.. and again. Because of this cut they will have no house that their father died to protect, but this congress man will sleep in  their king size bed, as the widow tucks her child in with a blanket in a gym, or a park bench.. and she will get arrested for loitering after hours  when winter hits..This is the thanks our Veterans get.. again it happens...Vietnam taught us nothing...I am a Veteran I am a single mother, I have PTSD from getting attacked and raped...there are thousands like me that  rely on help but this is not what we where promised when we went to hell for a country they promise to help us always like we had promised them..there are thousands of us, whose families will be homeless and with out so a congress men can eat  steak and drive the less fuel efficient car ever.. on the Government bill. Tell me this is  is a thank you.. They never had to leave their homes when they send millions to die for a war they never see...what is the cause of the war? They dont know...Tell us this ...who do you work for Oh work for the American people, that is us. So when you need us we are there, but where are you when we need you..You have forgotten us.

1 comment:

  1. It was already insulting enough to postpone their paychecks... but this... crosses a line they can't go back from.
