On the eleventh month on the eleventh day, at the eleventh hour, they all recall and thank those who serve, served or will ever go to war again or have gone...
We do not question the need for war, we do not question the need for death..that brings with it freedom, and liberty of others.
We do question the hate we have to fight off, the anger and rage of nations that can not get along - who refuse to leave one another be, a fact a child learns, until the other kid has something they want...than its a war...
So many come home from war different, changed, and it is not just one day they are changed, it is forever...and some never make such a journey after war, some times they lay down where they fought- for freedom, for liberty, for a better life for those around them...remember all of them carry with them wounds of war, and thank them all, all the time..randomly... it means a lot to them and their families...remember...
The Eleventh Month on the Eleventh Day - and the Eleventh hour...Thank you Veterans- Thank you Brothers and Sisters in arms- for ever Thank you. Carry on.
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