Posted on Congress .ORG
Today I saw that the VFW stated Congress is looking at taking the pay from Veterans, their Disabilty and their Retirement to pay off the deubt, and its not even going to pay all of it. You are telling me that the nearly 6 years that I Gave to the army and all the crap I went through...Better yet all the hell I know others went through..convoys blown to hell and you are taking money from the pension of their widows...they fought and died for you. Is this what their children need? To be on the streets because you can not fix this..their parents are some cases all of them. you are telling me that because they fought and died for you that now you have the right to take from their off spring to cover a war deubt that was paid by their death...but no you are telling me that you need more from them...tell me have you read the Decoloration of Independce? we have the right to rise up and over throw a govement that takes from us our wellbeing our lively hood. you are telling me that there is not anything else you can take from.. you have to take from the single mother whose husband died for you..and she has nothing one else...and you think this is right.? you are going to make millions homeless and you dont care!!! its not lives you are seeing.. is money... a 10 year war that did not have to start...Afganistan...Iraq...why did it? I wounder do you even know.. but no you dont care... there are millions of us that you will make homeless and you have not even looked at taking food from your self.. many of us need the VA and our pay...have you ever thought of what it means to go in to war...get raped by your own men, and have to come home....and look at your you have not...and now I am a single mother and a vet... and have PTSD and need to go to the VA and receive help, You dont do this to people. you dont. you fix it... or the people will. if you dont get it...we are a brother hood and a sister hood we all stand together... and I think we out number you.. the American people need to know what is going on and what you are doing...Taking pay from the people who have paid the price for you to have such rights...and their children and families will now be displaced but what do you care? you go home in your lexus...that cost 60 to fill up but that is used as a ride off for your work and you go home to you million dollar house...that is also a ride off... do you not think we know think that we only work for you...we worked for the American people and they are left in the more... we will shot it from the mountains we have given life and blood..limbs and our minds for you and this is our dare you..For you shall be judge by my god when you make the Children of the ones that fought to protect you...are crying...may god have mercy on you...because you know not what you do.
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