Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mitt romney

Congress has now made it clear they would like to take from Veterans, their funding  if this is true this will displace millions of families of those that have fought and died, the widows children will go with out a house but the Congress man will drive his government paid Lexus to his Million dollar government funded house and eat on the governments bill at any  black tie restaurant because they can, because of this Veterans Family  has paid this price , and will pay again.. and again. Because of this cut they will have no house that their father died to protect, but this congress man will sleep in  their king size bed, as the widow tucks her child in with a blanket in a gym, or a park bench.. and she will get arrested for loitering after hours  when winter hits..This is the thanks our Veterans get.. again it happens...Vietnam taught us nothing...I am a Veteran I am a single mother, I have PTSD from getting attacked and raped...there are thousands like me that  rely on help but this is not what we where promised when we went to hell for a country they promise to help us always like we had promised them..there are thousands of us, whose families will be homeless and with out so a congress men can eat  steak and drive the less fuel efficient car ever.. on the Government bill. Tell me this is  is a thank you.. They never had to leave their homes when they send millions to die for a war they never see...what is the cause of the war? They dont know...Tell us this ...who do you work for Oh work for the American people, that is us. So when you need us we are there, but where are you when we need you..You have forgotten us.

Posted on Congress .ORG

Today I saw that the VFW stated Congress is looking at taking the pay from Veterans, their Disabilty and their Retirement to pay off the deubt, and its not even going to pay all of it. You are telling me that the nearly 6 years that I Gave to the army and all the crap I went through...Better yet all the hell I know others went through..convoys blown to hell and you are taking money from the pension of their widows...they fought and died for you. Is this what their children need? To be on the streets because you can not fix this..their parents are some cases all of them. you are telling me that because they fought and died for you that now you have the right to take from their off spring to cover a war deubt that was paid by their death...but no you are telling me that you need more from them...tell me have you read the Decoloration of Independce? we have the right to rise up and over throw a govement that takes from us our wellbeing our lively hood. you are telling me that there is not anything else you can take from.. you have to take from the single mother whose husband died for you..and she has nothing one else...and you think this is right.? you are going to make millions homeless and you dont care!!! its not lives you are seeing.. is money... a 10 year war that did not have to start...Afganistan...Iraq...why did it? I wounder do you even know.. but no you dont care... there are millions of us that you will make homeless and you have not even looked at taking food from your self.. many of us need the VA and our pay...have you ever thought of what it means to go in to war...get raped by your own men, and have to come home....and look at your you have not...and now I am a single mother and a vet... and have PTSD and need to go to the VA and receive help, You dont do this to people. you dont. you fix it... or the people will. if you dont get it...we are a brother hood and a sister hood we all stand together... and I think we out number you.. the American people need to know what is going on and what you are doing...Taking pay from the people who have paid the price for you to have such rights...and their children and families will now be displaced but what do you care? you go home in your lexus...that cost 60 to fill up but that is used as a ride off for your work and you go home to you million dollar house...that is also a ride off... do you not think we know think that we only work for you...we worked for the American people and they are left in the more... we will shot it from the mountains we have given life and blood..limbs and our minds for you and this is our dare you..For you shall be judge by my god when you make the Children of the ones that fought to protect you...are crying...may god have mercy on you...because you know not what you do.

Where should They cut funds...

Salary of the US President $400,000-never cut
Salary of retired US Presidents $180,000-never cut
Salary of House/Senate $174,000-never cut
Salary of Speaker of the House $223,500-only increases
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders $193,400-not counting lobbyists..funding
......Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED $38,000- cut and being cut again...for the recovery of congress error...lets see....
I think we found where the cuts should be made !
instead they are going to cut Veterans pay, Retirements and disabliity payments, and pensions to families of the dead..who already paid the price for the country... if you think this is unfair and they should look to their own funding...and pockets...
If you agree let them know... that we will not take from those who have paid more than they have...for this country...they believe that making a widow of a vet homeless is ok...
they believe that making some one  that spent over 20 years serving...them  pay for their errors and miss guided funds okay...and taking money that is needed for treatment of the veterans...that have fought, and are forever changed...some will never be what they where.. may never walk may never talk...but all congress can do is talk about taking the money from them...a break in their oath to the soldiers...we will never take  your pay again...
but decades pass and they are now looking at taking from the all volunenter force again...
Really from the killers they have trained ...that proudly VOLUNTER their time and their lives to be told oh you wont be paid...because we have messed up...but we will be getting paid...
is that not how it works in a job you mess up you get THEM

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Take it or leave it...

Every one says jobs is the problem..for the US.. we have we have plenty... we have the stipulation on them though because of high taxes and no with the passing of  Govermentized Ins. there is the fact that the employer will have to be fined or ins. everyone. with in a said amount of time, with a said type of ins. and a said ins. company. 
Its a govermentized monoply that now has taken hold be cause of our greed, our blindness to the fact that 99.5 % of the government in some form has lobyist that dictate what they say because if they do not go this way  with them they will not be there, because of who is funding them. Its not for the people, its for the man with the biggest pockets.
It has stopped being about the people shortly after I was born, like 20 years ago. And no one saw this...I am confused, because I have seen it falling. When you put a bill on the house floor that states that a women can have the right to kill her child at anytime before it is born even the last term, you are allowing  a man powered government to tell you when and where and how you can procreate, how the human as a whole can be considered live or dead. What is next because they are running out of funds for a certain sector of the  the amrerican people dose that mean that soon they will tell them this: well we can not fund your health care for  said amount of children so we are going to pass a bill stated how many children one family and one person can have in their lifetime, because we see that the amount of people on welfare is the problem and if you have more than that amount of children , seeing as we already permited that you have the option to have an abortion we will carry this out and we will also allow you to have a fixing of all women who have reached this amount. Because we have given them this power. If you do not think so read the bills that are on the chalk block now. What is up for the next idea? like Japan how many people are under the poverty level, and how do we fix that do you think they might fix it...Like Japan and China are, you can have so many kids and if its not this  sex than we will kill it so you can have only one boy  and one girl because we are mass pouplated.. really because with the birth to death ratio it dosent make since. yes it is a small country but they handed their goverment power because they had no choice, we do. We have the founding of this country that say we can and never will we have to have that, if we stop it. But we are not stoping it.
we are becoming lazy and want things done for us and are not caring how it is done because we are to lazy to question and they know that... they know we are dependent on them and they can get a way with murder...what was this last war...dose any one even see that it was uncalled for? because in the Constitution we can not enter in to war with out having first been attacked by the country, what country do we have proof attacked us or was it a group of extremist from more than one country, and we cant find out which so we go half cocked on a witch hunt for them and take down where we think they are?  And in doing so we just laid waste to more than one count years to  recover from all of that, but while we are  fixing it we are telling them how they should live, even though it has not been our right to do so, and up until this said attack that some of them have done, they where at peace with us, now they are learning more and more to hate us..why  did we do this... to prove we could, but screw back here, because with out our heads turned and confused we would see what this hand is doing from this one, its a card mans trick - go to a big city and walk the street find the magic man he wants you to look one way so he will convince you to look a way...while his other hand is pulling from your pocket your money... sound like our Government,.,, than stop it!!!!!... because as long as it looks like they are doing good for us we will feed and eat on the fact hey it could be worse....and they are using the fact we are lazy and not willing to see what the other hand is doing, and we can keep this charade on for  more years and years and have our kids pay the price and get told no more children for more freedom for you. or we can stop it now.....STOP IT NOW

Tears.. fears... and Screams

What do they know of this, they tell me it will be okay... they tell me to forget... to just move on..
What is it to them...its not a memory its just some one ranting to them, because that is what some times friends are for... but what it is..
Is it the darkness when you see the door close and there is some one in the room with don't know..
some one that finds you...and takes what they want from you..and than acts like it was all your fault...
What is it to them....those people that can sleep at night...what is it that makes the shot in the night not something that startles them from sleep..or the sky dose nothing to them...
Because they have never been your mind looking out.. and seeing the memories..
The man you trust in decides that  he can have you when ever because you are his...
And no one knows...move on they tell me...move on from the memories...when the sent of his musk still lingers some not know how..its in the mall...and  you stop and look every where...
The sound of a gun...makes me think of those that will never be seen again..those that had to take their life to not deal with it...the cruelty of people... daily in a place where we are fighting for peace...
Some tell me to let it out...let it go...but where will it go...It will not go to  you kids, they are your world.. so you  wait and let it go when all is sound.. you close my eyes and  you talk about it..
you  replace the memories with music...with words...and at times it works...

But I am going to one day help some one else, Just like I was helped, and am Helped  because there is a strong stipulation on a soldier: you have to be strong you have to be tough....but so much to fight it back until you have time to let it out...
And when it comes, it picks its times.... you can walk down the street , breathe...and know you are home...and you are  strong because you have your Family and your God. and friends that let you  talk to them - and sometimes you know that because of what you have done- your Children wont have to, and you are blessed with another day. And you work, and you go on to a brighter day, And there will be memories, but never again will they happen. Lord Make this help some one... Lord let them know that tomorrow can come, and  the rain will to.. but it will clean away the bad, and let room for the good because we have made it here, and we will make it  forward. We will not ever be the same those who have fought wars, and even faced trauma but we will go on, Because we can and will and because with God all things are possible.

Dont tell me you dont see it coming...

Tell me this... if you have to swear to something for a job will you not read all the parts to it... will you not comply with it til you have nothing differ from it to you.. Than tell me why this dose not apply to the ones in a house on a hill...far a way... shall we make it heard ? What it is they must do. By my father, and my Four fathers before me it shall be heard, the greed will stop. For when you can take from a child their life and call it abortion when you can take from a mother their source of income and call it cleaning house... This greed and self love of money and power have to stop. There has always been rape... do not get me wrong.. but there is a point where it is sheer murder, - This I shall re state: It is murder when you have to time frame of when a life is a life, is it a person only when it breathes the first breath out side of his/her mother? If so than when is it okay to end its life? there are times when it is logical and right to kill it before it has this chance, to breathe out side on its own, and these times have to be thought of  with the fact is it better to kill or both of them die? Is there something wrong where the child will die any way even after it  has this breath. And sometimes when you have had to make this choice talking about it only brings it back, and this is the pain you have to think about in making this choice, But when you hand this choice over to someone else to make - for you ( this is the point i wanted to make..) and than think they will take your needs and your life in to consideration, its a whole other choice because they have no good or bad out come...its more money Vs. less money. It's not about life with them when they have taken this choice from you, made their own rules to it. and read people read there is no cut of term to the bill that was past... its murder...yes when a woman  has a choice even  she can have up to the last term but now they have said its okay, and they can enforce it.(in case you don't know:.. if you do not know there are 3 of them 8 months...42 weeks...)at most it because its not a person yet, in some understandings, but it can live out side the body sooner than that... think 5mns premature  was the soonest I have heard so far of a baby living... Do not tell me its not a human because its a growth of cells it is a part of the mother for ever even after birth there is a bond that can not be broken- and sometimes having to chose to kill this growth, person how ever you believe to see it, it is the largest choice a woman will make because this bond will not die, even through death, there are studies that go on showing the mother will fell like it is there even when its long gone, and that at times  even her mind will play tricks on here when its supposed to be born, and she will wonder  at times, but this is a price she must consider, it should not be left to the hands of Government who has no personal relationship to the person doing this. many do not understand this. because the Government- will do what is more cost effective, and if given the power( which we pretty much just did.they will.)  is not the person that will live with this choice, who will walk daily in  the fact they had to  or did. - we all as humans started this a group of cells in a woman, many of us may or may not know and she also made a choice, to have us... and if your mother would have thought about it what it would have been like - or  said dang i cant take on this task right now... where would half the people be where would we be....i tell you... in the dark...why? because half the great minds where going to be aborted.. but it was to much of both a cost and if left in the hands of a government they will be with out a second thought to it. why should they think twice about it.. do they when they go to war? no because they do not have to live through their judgements  they  let everyone else do that for them The government dose not care what the  risk is to a women, a country if they do that- because unless its a dollar sign why should they?  to them to do it. now they are killing great minds daily... you tell  Einstein that he was going to be aborted..because his mother didnt have the money or the support... but she did not do it and there are tons of woman out there that do it  also for that reason there is little support for them, and some states are cutting back on this, but more are adding to the funding of abortion why? because less cost, a sudden bill vs the prolonged  drag on the system. and there are tons of single mothers out there that face this choice- and that once they fell the heart beat and fell the kick ...know and they never  that they ever thought like this and they give up things because they wont take this route, even thought it may be easier on them- and that  is what power we just gave them...- the Government. your mother may never  tell you...its hard but what happens if its rape. some still go through with having the child and some use it as a means to not have to deal and sometimes there is no choice because some times men do not leave their prey whole enough to live a life and have a life in side of them...sometimes life has to weight out the odds of survival - and yes i to understand this..  fact, how can some one beaten to death carry a child, and have it be whole and have a chance to live when the mothers own body can not live, and at that time it becomes more of a  virus to the body than a life, because it is feeding off of everything in her  to live, and she can't even manage they have to kill the virus..that was once a life, but its taken more from the mother, than she has to give, and  at these times the body will abort it itself - or need help to do so.....But I am not talking about those times here when you are raped or claim rape.. and just dont want to deal with the fact - so yes there are those times you can not literally take having a child in those conditions and if this is the case i am not telling you that you should, the mind plays games with you during pregnancy and your hormones mess you  up even more so if you have to for your own life than  this is a  time you have to weight out the survival theory again...if you go through with  the birth will you hate your self so much...and think so bad that you   just delivered   another possible rapist to the world...and want to end your own life..than you may have to...there are  choices you have to consider but some just dont want the truth known..  its rape i have been there-  i did not get pregnant but i was there, i do not now if i would have taken the child.. if one happened and maybe given them up if i didn't want the reminder, but how could i if something so horrid can create a life , but this is me-  and why tell that life its nothing because how it was there, God knows how it came, and one day so will they but to tell the person you are  not worth my time because your father took what was not his to take- is like telling them  they are already dead. live life and tell the government we can think on our own - and do not give them this power, to think for us any more, yes  we have  the option as woman and  i do not mean to come out as evil with the thought this option if needed should be cast out, its a survival but it is also selfish at times, do not tell me its not... if its not needed to happen, there are other ways to deal with this,- But tell them we can make our own choice on this.  we do not need your  Birth Rationing...because if they have this power over rather or not you can abort a child and when.. than what is next... that is what will be next...look at other countries that have massive debut what happens? we cant afford the people  in this class...say lowest -tell them they can only have this many wont happen  here. so many think but ..yeah they said that 20 years ago about legal abortion and legal drugs... and now look at it...Don't say never- stop it if you dont want them to rule you. telling you when you can  have children and if you have the right to survive when your child wont, or if they do let you chose what happens if they  do something to where you can't ever chose again.. with out you saying  so...they will have this power if you let them. because we are failing to see what is going on, its not human life that is important unless it comes with dollar signs ... they only see profit and lose...and if its a lose now than it will become a profit later because its no longer a cost...What is the them if we abort ourselves...or if they begin to abort the ones that cost to much... its a gain and a loss.. its running it self like a company, not a Government. ..

Monday, July 25, 2011

Conversation with the Truth:

for just a moment forget republican and democrat and realize this: our politicians have literally created a near nightmare scenario in our's an irresponsibility that's rampant in our political circles

    • Cathy Funderburg But they would have to admit 2 things, They haven't worked together for the common people in years, and that other sharp pin prick that hurts to say....I was wrong and possibly bribed, bought out to that idea..this will not happen until said American people re read the Constitution and learn oh wait you mean that we can rise up and ellect a new Goverment that is Designed for us by us, and better yet we can re do everything as it is because our four fathers put that small clause in there so that this mass BS never happened again- One mass power saying what we can an can not do. But this will not happen because that means that the People have to think and reason on their own and find out what is best for them, we have become lazy and having things done for us. Why would we change it ? Why dose the dog return to the master that beats it.. it dose not know any other. We have to be the change, They will not be the change. We have to use our freedom or to hell with that freedom, so many died for so we can sit on out buts and let the world turn to crap, why? Because they had what few Americians have, that have loyalty and honor and will die for others, not because they have to but because the life of many is greater than the life of one. Now either we can cry that they are not doing their Job or we can tell them DO IT OR LOSE IT- You work for us. You are the house, and Goverment is not made for one man, it is made for us all. So do the will of the people or you will hear the will of the people..SPEAK DANG IT>

    • Cathy Funderburg OH if you did not want to read all that... sorry... kinda yeah I am not really, I am thinking they work for the American people so either they work or they can be like so many of us, that have lost jobs, and other things because they believe it is fair. - Show them fair show them the part in the Constutuion they swore to that they are not working just to work, they are working for the ideals and the liberties of the People and at any time we deem that this is not so, we have the right and the God given freedom to change this. Maybe they miss this point...
      Found you the answer :) and i blog it to :) -its from the main statement that breaks us from Brittan- which would be this:
      'That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ' where u ask? The Declaration of Independence so there is a short answer :) and what do we do with the we really use it or...
      The Preamble to The Bill of Rights
      "Congress of the United States
      begun and held at the City of New-York, on
      Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
      THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
      RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.
      ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution."sited from  following:
      (thanks to :
      Signed in to
      IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence
      The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
      When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient ceauses; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustome-'(Thanks to :
      So tell me than why do we not do as our four fathers advise us and recreate that which is meant to serve the people not them selves.??
      What do we do with it- let the country so many died for turn to this or do we  do what our four fathers did.. and say heck with you, we are the people and you  should be for us...or you shall be against us...
      There is this we can also do...we can sit and think oh dang than  I will have to do something, and it wont be done for me...when heck I can do it better, because I have gone to the bottom of the barrel and seen there is no apple...there is nothing in the store house because some one  thought they needed its in the summer... but its winter now...and we have not what we need so do we look to the hand that took it  or do we smack the hand and say fend for your own for you have taken what is not yours to take because you  thought it  was free. Well its not.. PAY UP. FIX IT OR  GET.. as a great friend says.. you either add to the party or get the heck to steppin'...because its not going to end because you want it to. We will not back down, and we will not be still. Why? Because there are 6 Billion of us... and 60 of numbered I do think... 

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Tear at my mind.
They try and cripple me,with what was..
What happened... the looking over my shoulder, thinking it again, the sudden fear, that  its not over...
That I have to do it again....That some where  there is a memory calling to me, You have to recall..
Fell the fear...taste the blood, fell the pain...hear the screams....they are yours...
No one heard them, not one one saved you from this memory...
You have to have to have to know...its only a memory..
To not recoil at the shot, to not jump at the flash, to not look over your shoulder at the man, and fear..
You have to remember you have to you never have this memory be real again...

His Saved All

They hated him after he gave all for them...they slapped him with thorns ... they laughed at him..they called him king as a joke..
But it is no joke - we that follow him with loyalty and truth, like the ones that have bleed and died for this land to be free.. they look at us they slap lables on us...crazy...killer...freak...but there is one that knows how it hurts... and he is forever there with us.
As we where there when a call came, we scream out at night in memories that can never leave, and he here my child..he will not for sake us like the place we have served has turned against us, this is what you need take this it will make it better..and their hands are empty, but he holds up all we ever need.
He holds on to us when the world wants us to disapre like we never where...
Never helped them because now they have to help us, with the memories , with the pain...but God will never leave us, he is loyal even to death. Thank you.Father.

The Longing

Its not there in any one else, seems to be instilled in one only after passing through something everyone doubts in.
You can't really do can't ruck for miles and miles, you can't shot a 300 range target... you can't run can't do that...what says I can't... not you.. not any one.

I did it once, and as the song says...I can do it again... Do not doubt - what about the pain, what about the memories...I can sit here and let them make me... or I can prove them all wrong.

Its a longing in me that will never die...Protect to the last breath.. to do what  yells in my face you can can not pay back whats been paid for can not be good at this, you have nothing to give..I have mourned the death long enough...I have given it enough time to it, time and time it wants more, it would rather I give in, it would rather I remember and be afraid..but I tell it -

I will not walk unafraid...I will walk prepared for tomorrow what ever it brings, and if memory comes, than it best be ready for the song I have for it...if pain wants to come, than let it...

It will bring its memories, the times when I was other places, other lives ago. What I have now is a longing not for past, not for memories but I have a longing for change, and I have the will that I can not listen to the you can't any more... because I know that those who doubt would never.. could never stand where I have, why? because there is something here in me they can not find in side them selves and it makes makes them want to hate me...and my longing to better others and my self, to have a great day even when it rains...

The memory of matching in the day I will tell  the tales...oh mom do I have know at your age...I was rucking up hills in the rain, just because we could, so yes you have to unless you want some one to do it for you...and they get the credit..they get the memory..if you want that than don't do it and complain that you can't because when I think I can't I have to remember those days.. and to heck with can't ....this is what I look forward to :) giving some one the same courage I have
And let them  know they Do not have to but to let them know they can, for no other reason than to prove them selves wrong...and plus they can prove others wrong to...its a longing to give some one more than I ever have had, and why? because I can...I will and to heck with the You can't .. people-
I thank you those that say I can't because with out the voice in my mind of  you can't I would little motive to ...but now that its there. well I can,.:)

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The Stare

This Explains it:

Mark Wills - Don't Laugh At Me

They look at  him with disstain, they do not understand the price he paid, for the freedom they have to hate what he has done....
What is it when you tell people you have fought in a war,that most have no guts to or even know about..., They stare? I am not talking  look with pride in their eyes, I am talking sheer hate, the look where they can't stand to be near me...or people that are like me..we are killers.
Why do they stare? 
Is it that I am a woman? Is it that I have family? Or is it the fact some where inside you  are afraid that I did something that you could not have done? Is it the simple fact that given the option to protect and provide  at what ever cost, you would rather have it done for you...??
You can't look some one in the eye that is in uniform, your scared because you will never know what they give up to be in it. so you  do not have to be.... Don't stare with hate, with out understanding -  at those that have been there, and look different now because of it- scares all over, no arms, no legs...and some times they have everything but they are out of shape...they look like this  because yes...they have other things to do other than work out all the time any more..but they carry the marks of war out side or inside..but .
They are home.some times this is hard for them to think about... but home is  Some where you have always you have never felt the scares of war... or lost any part of you there...with it..
Have you looked up at night sky and prayed to be under the same one as your family?
Have you walked for miles because you had no 7-11 run either...
Have you dared ? Dreamed to do something more than anything.. Than Please for the ones that do..and have.Stop Staring...stop not understanding and hating what you can not understand.. just honor what has been done for you.
Do not look at us like we are different...because we do not have something you have any more.. be it part of our flesh or part some where inside... where we can not let go of war- its taken part of all of us in some way...
Do not stare because you are all there...Because of all of us that are no longer all there..
If you do stare - Do on more thing, show them you care, walk up and say thank you..some times if you stare they fell it... and they know its not because you understand...sometimes if you stare they read it like a may not understand why, but when you have given a  lot to some one and they stare at you and never say - thanks how would you react? .THANK YOU MY BROTHERS AN SISTERS IN ARMS- Thank a Soldier thank their family....heck just be kind and do not stare at them and if you .do stand up - walk over and say something to not make them fell like they do not something they will thank you for...SALUTE (  yes this means get up... and stand up...because standing before you is the cost of your freedom, do not stare at it....accept it and say thank you- or one day it will have to be you there...paying for what you  take for granted..daily...) Do not mis understand we are grateful when you honor us, its just mis-read when some one stares you down, like you different...and do not belong...or they are afraid..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's that sound..

You heard it, no one else dose, now you can't get back to sleep.
Was it a car back fire, was it a shot in the dark some ones hurt...
Is there some one at the door?
Who would be at the door its 1 am?
There is nothing, its silent. But why is it so calm...